Nkgoeng Talks About Services Available For Victims Of Domestic Violence

Department of Social Development 2024/08/18 - 22:00

As we observe a month dedicated to women during August, the Gauteng Department of Social Development continues to engage the public through radio interviews to raise awareness on social ills, mainly affecting women.

On Wednesday, 14 August 2024, Social Worker under Probation Unit in Germiston Office, Julia Nkgoeng heeded a call and was in conversation with Portia Motaung, a radio host of Morning Essentials on Kasie FM in Ekurhuleni.

The interview tackled the issue of domestic violence in relation to women as victims and how the law protects victims of domestic violence.

Nkgoeng defined domestic violence as a pattern of behaviour in any relationship with the purpose of gaining or maintaining power and control over the victim.

She said, "The term is used when there are abusive acts in a close relationship between the offender and the victim, be it partners, immediate family members, relatives or friends."

"According to the Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998, domestic violence includes physical abuse, sexual, financial and economic abuse, emotional, psychological abuse, malicious damage to property, harassment, and stalking."

"It is often believed that physical abuse is the only or the most serious form of abuse with the most serious effects because of visible injuries. However, studies have shown that victims of domestic violence experience trauma with other forms of abuse," said Nkgoeng.

She added, "The Domestic Violence Act makes it possible for one to get a protection order against the abuser. A protection order lists various things that an abuser may or may not do. If the abuser commits an act that is prohibited in the protection order, he/she can be arrested and taken to court for contravening the protection order."

Nkgoeng further advised women to stay away from abusive relationships and seek help at their nearest SAPS or Social Development offices, or alternatively call the GBV Helpline on 0800 15 01 50.


Tags: Womens Month 2024


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