Department celebrates World Social Work Day (WSWD)

Department of Social Development 2021/03/13 - 22:00

This week the Gauteng Department of Social Development held a two-day virtual World Social Work Day event. The special day was celebrated under the theme: Ubuntu - I am because we are, Strengthening social solidarity and Global Connectedness.

Despite the event being held virtually, Social Workers from all spheres of the department in Gauteng participated in their numbers. The celebration programme kicked off with presentations from various bodies including the Human Rights Commission, Department of Social Work & Criminology, Faculty of Humanities, University of Pretoria, SAASWIPP, Professional Board for Social Work, South African Council for Social Services Professions, Gauteng Social Work Veteran Forum and department's senior officials .

The programme director for the first day was Social Work Services Deputy Director-General Onkemetse Kabasia and second day it was Substance Abuse Director, Tebello Mkhonto.

"These events seek to bring the Social Work profession closer to world development, so that it remains relevant at all times as a profession. But importantly I view this day, as a day of self-appreciation because this is about the ability to find worth and appreciation you need as an individual", said DDG Kabasia in his welcome note.

He added that "Self-appreciation is a sign of maturity and to give recognition as Social Workers and Social Auxiliary. We are very matured professionals and we don't need to be ashamed of ourselves and to surround ourselves with others. We don't need to wear other people's opinions."

The Head of Department Thembeni Mhlongo could not be part of the event due to family bereavement. She was represented by Corporate Services DDG Amanda Hartmann who is acting in her absence.

Director of Stakeholder Relations, Frans Ramutla gave a feedback on the 2010-2020 Social Work Global agenda.

"The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development reflects the commitment of social workers, social development practitioners, educators and international, national and local organisations need to contribute to a more just, inclusive and peaceful society by promoting social and economic equality. We must also promote the dignity and worth of peoples, environmental and community sustainability and strengthening recognition of the importance of human relations" he explained.

The University of Pretoria Department of Social Work & Criminology, Faculty of Humanities Head Prof Antoinette Lombard said as Social Workers and Social Auxiliary Workers we have to learn from students and other people.

Lombard said" it is our pride and joy to have our South African home brand Ubuntu as the theme for such a colossal global event in the profession.

In presenting the memorial slide of colleagues who passed on Hartmann said "they will all remain in our hearts and their contribution in the department. If you want the problem to be solved give it to a Social Worker" There was a moment of silent when they play a memoriam slide showing all the officials who passed on.

Addressing participants the Gauteng Department of Social Development, MEC, Morakane Mosupyoe said during the hard lock down families were placed under extreme pressure and social ills such as Gender Based Violence, homelessness, poverty increased.

"Our Social Workers were there to deal with these social ills and others such as having to assist parents to deal with children under strenuous conditions. The government would like to thank our Social Workers as front line workers for their contributions".


Tags: World Social Word Day 2021 World Social Word Day


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