Compliance - Department starts handing certificates to registered embossers

Department of Roads and Transport 2024/02/18 - 23:00

​The Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport has started with issuing of registration certificates to embossers who have been legalised as manufacturers of number plates and ensuring compliance with existing regulations. The  first stregistration certificate was issued using the National Traffic Information System (NaTIS) on the 12 February 2024 and by 14 February 2024 a total of 11 registration certificates were issued, and the process is ongoing.

Regulation 48 of the National Road Traffic Act (NLTA) stipulates that “no person shall manufacture or sell number plates unless such person is registered as a manufacturer of number plates in terms of these regulations”. 

MEC for Transport and Logistics, Ms Kedibone Diale-Tlabela, in July 2023, officially launched the registration process calling on all embossers of numberplates operating in Gauteng to register with the Department in line with the national act. The registration open window was set from July until 30 September 2023. 

Referring to the registration process, the MEC indicated the “registration process is a crucial component in the Gauteng Provincial Government’s plan to launch a secured new number plate system to combat crime, corruption, vandalism, and lawlessness in the province”. 

The Department has been in the process of implementing the new, secure and tamper-proof number plate system in line with the call by Premier Panyaza Lesufi during his State-of-the-Province address in February 2023. 

The Premier further indicated that vehicles are a common denominator in violent crimes, either as stolen or getaway vehicles. In October 2022, the Premier pronounced that certain areas of the Growing Gauteng Together 2030 (GGT2030) blueprint will be elevated for implementation before the end of Sixth Administration’s term. 

These, he indicated, included strengthening the fight against crime, corruption, vandalism and lawlessness. Introducing security features is set to drastically improve the credibility of number plates and to enable license plate tracking within the value chain, from manufacturer to end user (vehicle owner). 

Through this plan, the Provincial Government is enabled to account for every vehicle registered and this, it is expected, will bolster crime-fighting efforts, enhance tracking by law-enforcement agencies, and possibly serve as a deterrent. It was further indicated that the security enhancements will only be disclosed once finalized by the number plate technical reference group and legislative issues have been finalised. This is a group comprising key stakeholders involved in the number plate value chain, law enforcement agencies and other stakeholders.


Tags: registration Numberplates cloning MEC Diale Tlabela NLTA criminality EMbossers


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