Gauteng government unveils agricultural project to support small scale farmers

Department of Social Development 2020/11/08 - 22:00

"The plight of the poor and the hungry will not be improved through intellectual debates only but reshaping the agricultural system in ways that alleviate hunger, end poverty, and promote sustainable development, requires us to work together more effectively."

These were the words of the Gauteng Premier David Makhura during the launch of the Thuliswa Nkabinde Khawe Marievale Agro Village at Marievale Military Base in Dunnottar, Ekurhuleni on Sunday.

This day marked exactly one year since the passing of Thuliswa Nkabinde-Khawe who was MEC for Social Development in the Gauteng Provincial Government's Sixth Administration.

Makhura has referred to Nkabinde-Khawe as a champion for the poor and marginalised, and assured citizens that her monumental legacy in fighting hunger will be kept alive.

"The late laid a solid foundation at the Gauteng Department of Social Development in developing a clear and yet simple vision of fighting poverty in the province.

She worked tirelessly with critical stakeholders such as NPOs in the conceptualization of the provincial Anti-Poverty Strategy. It is on this basis that we are honouring her role in the fight against poverty eradication in the province," said Makhura.

He added that to alleviate hunger and poverty, the Provincial Government continues to introduce agricultural initiatives targeting indigent households in the province.

"The project we are launching here today is one such initiative. It will assist in reducing the number of food insecure households in the province. The Thuliswa Nkabinde-Khawe Marievale Agro Village project will provide households with the requisite production inputs, so that they are able to produce their own food."

"Tackling poverty and social exclusion has been one of the major challenges facing the South African society in the 21st century.

The sad reality is that the face of poverty and unemployment remains black, and predominantly female in our country. However, at the centre of the Sixth Administration's social transformation is the determination to eradicate poverty and build social cohesion and social solidarity," added Makhura.

The launch of the Agro-village was a culmination of the Urban Poverty and Inequality Elimination Strategy, commonly known as the Anti-Poverty Strategy, which seeks to ensure the social inclusion of the marginalized, the linking of the poor and vulnerable to economic opportunities as well as to fight hunger and food insecurity.

"Thuliswa Nkabinde-Khawe Marievale Agro Village is in line with Goal 2 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which commits to ending hunger, achieving food security, improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030 and our very own Growing Gauteng Together 2030 Plan that aims to ensure that no one goes to bed hungry by 2030." "We have seen how the COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated the challenges of poverty; inequality and unemployment in our country. This is our effort to ease the load in our communities," said the Premier.

He further said he was happy to see the level of partnerships such as National and Local Government supporting the project.

"The main aim of this agriculture project is for government and other stakeholders to empower up to 100 women here in Ekurhuleni by using agriculture as a catalyst to job creation and food security. This project outcome will have sustainable 100% women-owned cooperatives, creation of job opportunities and promote effective and sustainable local economy participation," he said.

The project is a long term one and it is envisaged that it will be sustained through government departments buying vegetables from the project.

The Department of Social Development, institutions, shelters and homes will buy from the project, Department of Defence will also buy (30% Procurement spent) for their personnel. The Department of Correctional Services will also buy for the inmates. This agricultural village is also expected to supply local markets such as the Ekurhuleni Fresh Produce Market and local supermarkets with the intention of up scaling into the export markets.


Tags: Poverty Alleviation Program Anti-Poverty Strategy sustainable development


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