Gauteng Treasury allocates millions to support mental health

Gauteng Treasury

2017/03/07 Gopolang Leepile
​Gauteng government has allocated R893.8 million to support patients with mental health conditions, in an effort to promote effective and efficient mental care services in the province.

MEC for Finance, Barbara Creecy announced this during the tabling of the provincial budget that the provincial treasury is committed to support the health department in implementing the recommendations of the Health Ombud’s report.
“When the alternative dispute resolution process is complete, we will appropriate any necessary resources for the families of the victims of the Life Esidimeni tragedy from the provincial revenue fund,” she said.

In total, the Gauteng Health Department has been allocated a budget of R40.2 billion from the R37.6 billion in the 2016/17 financial year. R9 billion of this budget will be allocated to enhance service delivery outcomes at district hospitals, community health clinics and community based centres in the province.
Also, MEC Creecy said that R7.3 billion will be allocated to central hospitals, while R3.7 billion is for supporting the treatment and prevention of HIV and Aids and Tuberculosis, as well as allocating R990 million for Emergency Medical Services and R924 million in new money for medicine and medical supplies for the appointment of key personnel in the health department.

Furthermore, MEC Creecy said the Department of Health would build the new Finetown Clinic, renovate staff residence at Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital and continue with the construction of the new Lillian Ngoyi Hospital, as well as upgrading Helen Joseph Hospital, converting Discoverers and Lenasia South Community Health Centres (CHC’s) into district Hospitals.

“The Department of Health will also complete the New Kekana Gardens Clinic in April and the Dewagensdrift clinic by the end of June this year,” she added.
In conclusion, the department plans to complete the upgrading work at the Sebokeng hospital by the end of March this year and continue with the construction of Bophelong CHC.


Tags: Mental Health


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