Makhura refutes allegations made against his office in PPE procurement irregularities - 29 January 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/01/28 - 22:00

Rofhiwa Marubini

Gauteng Premier, David Makhura has refuted allegations made against the Office of the Premier  on the awarding of the multimillion-rand tender in the process of procuring Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the province.

 "I wish to reiterate that I have never given any names of companies or contractors to the former Chief Financial Officer (CFO) nor have I given any instructions to government officials to appoint any service providers in any state institution or government department," said Makhura.

Addressing the Command Council meeting on Friday, Makhura said in the past seven years as the Premier of Gauteng there has never been an  incident, in any of the departments where he had tried  to enrich his friends or  comrades. 

This comes after media reports noted that the Department of Health's former CFO, Kabelo Lehloenya made allegations that Premier Makhura, along with the former  MEC for Health, Dr Bandile Masuku, were  directly implicated in the Gauteng Department of Health PPE scandal. 

Lehloenya stated in her affidavit to the special tribunal that Premier Makhura gave her the names of the companies to appoint to supply and deliver PPE in the province.

Makhura further said he welcomed the judgement handed down on 10 December 2020 by Judge SP Mothle at the Special Tribunal in the matter between SIU and others.

"The Gauteng Provincial Government appreciates the progress made by the Special Investigating Unit in its ongoing investigation into irregularities in procurement for COVID-19 goods and services," he added.

Makhura concluded by saying, the province was doing everything to fight corruption.


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