Government encourages people to follow isolation regulations- 24 June 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/06/23 - 22:00

​Rofhiwa Marubini

Gauteng Provincial Government has reiterated the call for people to follow isolation regulations should they test positive for COVID-19 or be in contact with someone who is infected. Everyone who tests positive, even if they are asymptomatic or vaccinated, needs to self-isolate for 10 days in an effort to stop the virus from spreading to other people.

The call comes as the number of families testing positive for COVID-19 increases. The public is encouraged to self-isolate for ten days and should the symptoms persist, to contact their nearest healthcare provider.

On 23 June 2021, Gauteng recorded 10 806 positive cases as the third wave rages on in the province.

People should limit movements and avoid gatherings where possible to minimise the spread of the virus.

"Mobility is a great risk for transmitting the virus because it moves with people, we have to avoid gatherings of all kinds, whether for family, friends, business or recreation," said Gauteng Premier David Makhura.

People are also encouraged to adhere to non-pharmaceutical interventions, to reduce community transmissions.

"Let us continue wearing a mask, keeping a safe physical distance and washing hands regularly or using a hand sanitiser.

"Avoid Closed spaces, Crowded spaces and Close-contact settings where possible," said Makhura.

He further pleaded to the public to take the third wave seriously.

"The province is burning" amid staggering COVID-19 infections, warning that residents should not take the third wave lightly," he added. Everyone has a responsibility to reduce the spread of COVID-19.


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