Social Development ramps up anti-substance abuse campaigns in vulnerable communities

Department of Social Development 2022/03/14 - 22:00

​The Gauteng department of Social Development continues to tackle challenges of substance abuse in the townships. Last Friday, the department partnering with various stakeholders held anti-substance abuse awareness focusing on young people at Ratanda Extension 23 community Hall in Sedibeng.

Addressing the youth departmental Social Work Manager, Mamojapele Malimabe, said it was disturbing that drugs are finding an easy way to our vulnerable communities. “As the lead department in the fight against the scourge of substance abuse, we have made the undertaking that we will dedicate more efforts on awareness campaigns and education as the first level of intervention”.

Malimabe added that government was obligated and committed to educating communities about the dangers of drugs and the effects it can bring into one's life, and it can diminish one’s dream.

“Our plan is to focus much of our campaigns to the youth because we believe that they are an easy target, and we believe that if they can understand the danger of drugs, they will know that drugs are bad”.

“We are here today to enlighten and inform our communities about the harmful effects of substance abuse”, she said.

Malimabe also said that as government, they are committed to building communities that are free of drugs and alcohol abuse.

“Drugs do not choose the colour of your skin or whether you are rich or poor, it affects everyone, anyone can fall into the trap of this demon irrespective of their social status, therefore, the fight is for everybody”, she added said

Malimabe encouraged young people to take care of themselves, focus on their education and stay away from any form of substances. “Stay away from any substances, especially alcohol and cigarette because that’s where the problems start”.

She said the department has partnered with various NPOs to address drug problems through prevention, treatment, and community development services. “We have rehabilitation centres to help those who are already affected, and the services are free”.

Many young people blame rapid rising unemployment and lack of activities in their area as factors contributing towards the abuse of substances.

The manager for Enriched Life Centre, Promise Makhanya, said their centre operates as a transitional housing for someone recovering from drug or alcohol abuse. Makhanya added that sometimes lack of consistent, stable and drug free living environment can be a real obstacle for committed and determined recovering individuals to sustained recovery.

The centre helps recovering service users with better skills for social interaction as well as helping them to empower themselves with skills so that they can be employable.


Tags: anti-substance abuse awareness Drugs Substance Abuse


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