Her dream is to own a restaurant one day, says a special needs youth

Department of Social Development 2021/11/14 - 22:00

​An 18-year-old learner Angela Williams from Belvedere Special School in Benoni is confident that despite her learning challenges, one day she is going to own a restaurant.

Williams was one of the girls who attended the Commemoration of International Day of the Girl Child recently hosted by the Gauteng Department of Social Development under Gender Youth and Disability Mainstreaming (GYDM) Sub-Directorate.

“I would like to thank Belvedere Special School management for giving me a second chance to study and to give me hope that I can still be a better person. I am currently learning how to cook so that I can become a chef, I am going to continue to dream big”, says Williams.

“What makes me enjoy my studies more is the support I’m getting from my parents. My mother is a manager at a catering company. She motivates me every day about my career”, she explains.

Besides being a learner at a special school, during her free time she volunteers as a nursing assistant at an old age home. She takes care of the elderly and people with disabilities.

Williams added that she what she enjoys most about her voluntary work, is that it gives her hope and gives her positive outlook to life.


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