MEC Masuku celebrated International Midwives Day at Hillbrow

Department of Health 2020/05/05 - 22:00

Sandile Gwayi

In commemoration of International Midwives Day on 05 May, Gauteng Health MEC, Dr Bandile Masuku spent time expressing gratitude to midwives at Shandukani Midwifery Obstetric Unit in Hillbrow Community Health Centre.

The visit by MEC Masuku formed part of Employee Value Proposition programme that is aimed at improving staff morale and recognising excellence in the department.
MEC Masuku who is passionate about midwifery said these health workers' sterling efforts ensure the good health of both mothers and their newborns.

"Early in my career, I spent my time working in labour wards where I worked with midwives and they inspired me to specialise in Gynaecology and Obstetrics,"

"I appreciate and acknowledge the critical role that you play of being the gatekeepers of the world. We appreciate your services and without you there is no life," concluded MEC Masuku.

The year 2020 was designated by the World Health Organisation as the year where we have to acknowledge the role that is played by nurses' especially midwives.

The day was well received by the Shandukani midwives and among those was Sr Mapula Makhubo who has joined the clinic few months ago. Sr Makhubo received a special gift from the MEC as a token of appreciation.

"I feel so honoured that the MEC has chosen our clinics in the entire Gauteng. I did not think that I will once interact with the MEC to such an extent that he presents a gift to me. I am very happy and speechless," she said.


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