Gauteng leaders strengthen the fight against HIV and AIDS

Department of Health 2019/11/30 - 22:00

Mampe Marapyane

In commemorating World AIDS Day, Gauteng Province led by the Department of Health embarked on a door to door campaign in Kagiso, West Rand.

Under the theme, Communities make the Difference, Gauteng MECs led by Health MEC, Dr Bandile Masuku together with Community Health Workers visited more than 20 households with the aim of educating residents about HIV and Aids.  The topics of discussion ranged from prevention methods, treatment available as well as behavioural change if not has tested negative in order to maintain that status.

The 2019 theme evokes the participation of communities compared to the previous commemorations wherein the events were held in a centralised place. All the districts came together to report on activities which were conducted in their respective districts.

Addressing the community, MEC for Infrastructure Development in the province, Tasneem Motara, said: “Together we are committed to fighting the scourge of HIV/AIDS. I encourage those who are infected to adhere to treatment, eat healthy and do continuous exercises.”

In one of the families visited, Sello Mathe (30) who is a breadwinner said: “I have never tested in my life and I actually do not know my HIV status. I think I am better off not knowing. I however practise safe sex.”

A 21-year-old HIV positive young man said: “I was born with HIV/AIDS. Most people think that it is a life sentence which is actually not true. I have lived with it all my life and I am still going to live longer. A positive person needs to live a healthy life style and exercise in order to live longer. Support from family, friends and communities is very key in helping an HIV/AIDS infected person to win the psychological battle.”


Tags: World Aids Day Gauteng Department of Health HIV/AIDS Healthcare


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