Retired Radio Presenter Active at the Golden Games

Department of Social Development 2022/12/12 - 22:00

​A retired Munghana Lonene Radio (MLFM) Presenter Freddy Rikhotso (70) will be representing Limpopo Province during the National Golden Games to be hosted by the Gauteng Department of Social Development.

Rikhotso is also a 2019 South African Golden Games Athlete Champion of 200 Meters that he won in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape.

“By then I was representing the 60- to 69-year-old athletes but this year I am now a 70-year-old. Due to Covid-19, I was unable to defend my title for the past two years” says Rikhotso.

“I am happy to be part of the group that will be participating in this year’s Golden Games, although the weather is not in our favor. For an older person to achieve this title, one needs to work hard,” he says.

Very humble and down to earth, he is also an author of eighteen (18) Xitsonga books, some of which were used in schools.
Telling about his work before he retired, he says he was a Munghana Lonene radio news Journalist, then he became a Presenter and later the News Reader.
Rikhotso started participating in the Golden Games in 2017 and he continued with the athletics because that was the sport he loved most. He says he was one of the best students who was very active in sports despite the conditions of the playgrounds in his village school.

Rikhotso says he was born and grew up in Mafarana Village, not far from the home of former Reserve Bank Governor, Mr. Tito Mboweni.

Despite the bad weather today, Rikhotso says he was going to make sure that he prepares himself and he would also like to encourage people who retire to continue with their hobbies to keep them busy. He also added that sports activity will keep you stronger and healthy and will help one avoid chronic medications.

“Active Ageing has improved healthy lifestyle to many and some of them who were supposed to be on chronic medication have avoided it by making sure that they exercise daily. We would like to thank our government for supporting us through out”, he said.


Tags: National Golden Games Active Ageing Programme


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