Seven suspects arrested in Deokaran murder- 27 August 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/08/26 - 22:00

Qaqambile Mdledle

Gauteng Premier David Makhura has welcomed the arrest of seven suspects allegedly linked to the murder of Gauteng health department acting chief financial officer, Babita Deokaran.

Deokaran, 53, was gunned down outside her home on Monday after dropping her daughter off at school.

Premier Makhura has commended South African Polices Services for the swift actions in arresting the suspects on time.

"We have lost an upright public servant and I am pleased that SAPS has acted swiftly in arresting the suspects in the murder case of  Doekaran. I believe that police will uncover the masterminds behind this horrific crime.

Gauteng Police, in a joint operation between the Gauteng Serious and Violent Crimes Unit, Johannesburg K9 unit, Johannesburg East Crime Intelligence, Fidelity Specialised Services, made the arrests after receiving information on the whereabouts of the suspects. During the operation, the police recovered two firearms and two vehicles.

Gauteng Premier David Makhura is adamant that the killing of Deokaran, had everything to do with her involvement in unravelling personal protective equipment (PPE) tender corruption.

"The corrupt elements in government who collude with rogue business to rig tenders have nowhere to hide. Looters shall not win. We will not retreat," said Premier Makhura.

Police spokesperson Brenda Muridili said that the case docket had been transferred to the DPCI for further investigation.

"The national commissioner has commended the investigating team's breakthrough in the case and he has said that he is confident that the Hawks will work tirelessly to ensure that justice is served," Muridili said. END 


Tags: Premier David Makhura SAPS Babita Deokaran Suspects arrests


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