Gauteng to prioritize densely populated areas in mass COVID-19 screening and testing

Office of the Premier 2020/03/31 - 22:00

Lerato Mailoane

Following the announcement by President Cyril Ramaphosa to scale up the country's capacity to test citizens, field workers will be  visiting  homes across the five regions in Gauteng to screen residents for COVID-19 symptoms..

The mass screening and testing in Gauteng which kick started in Stjwetla Alexandra township on Tuesday  31 March, after it was reported that 9 community members had come into contact with a  resident who had  tested positive for the  virus,   will be done systematically focusing on densely populated areas.

Gauteng Premier, David Makhura said: "We want communities like Stjwetla which have already been exposed to the virus to work with us. I am happy the people here want to test and are testing voluntarily. Anyone   who tests positive will be notified and moved to a facility designated to manage the outbreak. We are also building bed capacity for those who need treatment.

"We are going to overcome but we must comply with the rules as this is everyone's problem".

The provincial government also rolled out a sanitization programme in an effort to curb the spread of the  virus.The programme was launched at the Helen Joseph Women's Hostel and would be extended to the rest of the province.

The project is expected to benefit more than 46,000 residents.


Tags: COVID-19 Testing Screening


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