Gauteng residents urged not to drop their COVID-19 guard over the festive season- 27 November 2020

Office of the Premier 2020/11/26 - 22:00

Lerato Mailoane

Gauteng Premier, David Makhura has called on the people of Gauteng to be vigilant now, more than ever before to decrease the impact of a resurgence over the   festive season.

 Makhura said experts say Gauteng is still stable compared to the peak of the first surge but have expressed concerns.

"In the next few weeks, we are likely to face a serious problem in January following the festive season as the public would be travelling to different parts of the country and come January we might experience a resurgence.

 "The number of new weekly cases are significantly lower than numbers at the peak of the first surge. We have been witnessing a stable 7-day rolling average of between 5% and 6% positive tests in the last few weeks, said Makhura.

Experts are predicting low case numbers due to anticipated decrease in mobility in the province in the last few weeks of December. The prediction is that the number of cases may remain low till the middle of January 2021.

He warned, that due to the expected mobility increase in January when people return from holiday, Gauteng was likely to experience an increase in cases. 

"The pandemic in Gauteng is not yet under control. Transmission is on-going, the new cases are still significantly higher than levels seen before the first surge.

The Provincial Advisory Committee on COVID-19 is projecting that the risk of transmitting the virus from person to person will increase during the festive season because of increased inter-provincial travel which will result in greater contact between infected and susceptible.

"Festive season gatherings between family and friends, the vulnerability of older persons being visited by their children and grandchildren have a potential of becoming amplifying events or super-spreading events if we do not take the necessary safety precautions," added Makhura.


Tags: alcohol Consumption Corona Virus Alcohol festive season COVID - 19


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