Older Persons Festival of Song

Department of Social Development 2019/08/20 - 22:00

It was a special day where those well known to be wise gathered for a showmanship of vocally constructed harmonies. No one competed against the other as a spirit of unity and ululations reverberated through the theatre with 420 older persons at Lenasia's Civic Hall singing on top of their voices.

The JHB Regional Choir Festival event for older persons took place on Friday, 16 August 2019, where 7 Johannesburg Metro regions (A to G) displayed their flair for singing. This beautiful activity has the sweet potential to enhance their longevity. The Choir Festival is an annual event hosted by Gauteng Department of Social Development alongside Johannesburg Older Persons Forum, Age in Action and other stakeholders.

The purpose of such events is to celebrate older persons, foster stronger sense of belonging, improve social interaction with peer groups, foster networking among institutions and instil a sense of pride.

Each region consists of 60 members; Diepsloot (A1) and Ivory Park (A2); Coronation (B); Tshepisong (C); Dobsonville (D1) and Diepkloof (D2); Altrex (E); South Hills (F); Orange Farm (G1) and Lenasia (G2).

The older and wiser people performed choral items, whilst adorned in classic black and white apparel as well as all black apparel and variety of colourful pocket squares. Region G1 stood out with blush pink and taupe floral dresses; best theatrical conductor and an exceptional performance.

An elderly singer from region F, Idlett Mofokeng (79) said her region meets every Monday for singing rehearsals.
"The event makes a huge difference, we feel supported, respected, loved and cared for".

Some may have looked frailer than others but had mental and physical strength to stretch into another round and sung traditional items. One of the spectacles was when the elderly of Region D1 and E walked on to the stage with walking sticks in hand, in beautifully coloured and crafted traditional costumes. The audience was captivated by their co-ordinated dance moves and melodiously brilliant performance.

Barbara van de Haar (83) said "What an excellent event. I learned about other cultures - wonderful feeling".​


Tags: Active ageing


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