Families of residents at Itireleng feel at home

Department of Social Development 2021/05/23 - 22:00

​Last Saturday, the Itireleng Workshop for the Blind hosted the annual International Day of Families by encouraging family preservation.

Ike Baloyi from Sefako Makgatho University FM warned families about the dangers of new technologies, "These technologies, such as social media, pose a danger to family quality time".

Baloyi, a local radio presenter at 97.1 said, "Even though as family members we need the new technologies to enhance our lives we should be wary of these technologies that are consuming our quality time as families. We talk less among ourselves and focus more on what the social media is feeding us".

Amogelang Maaga who has a family member at the centre, said, "For me this day encourages us to care, love and sacrifice for each other as a family. I'm grateful to Itireleng for hosting this day because as beneficiaries of this centre we are one big family".

Jabulani Mabena concurred and said, "I also have a sister who is residing here at this centre and I always visit her. Every time I'm here I feel love and passion from the workers, as a result, I feel I am a family member here".

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed that 15 May of every year shall be observed as the International Day of Families. The day this year is themed, "Families and the new technologies", and reflects on the importance that the international community attaches to families as basic units of society as well as its concern regarding their situation around the world.

The well-being of the family is of critical importance to the overall functioning of society as any breakdown in functioning and its ability to provide care increases the vulnerability of their members.

Many families in South Africa are in crisis and faced with several challenges that impact negatively on their ability to sustain themselves. Such challenges are related partly to poverty, unemployment, absent fathers, gender-based violence, HIV and AIDS, substance abuse, abuse within the family especially against children, women and older persons, as well as the general moral decay in our communities.


Tags: Family Preservation International Day of Families


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