Department offered Juwele a home and entrepreneurial opportunity

Department of Social Development 2021/04/05 - 22:00

Josua Juwele is originally from Upington in the Northern Cape Province; he came to Johannesburg, in search of greener pastures after being invited for a job interview, but he failed the interview.

Juwele stayed with a friend in Randburg when he arrived in Gauteng, after an unsuccessful job interview, he continued to look for employment opportunities. But nothing came through besides selling few items here and there.

When President Cyril Ramaphosa placed the country on a national lockdown in March last year, as an unemployed made him to feel like he was burdensome to his friend who paid rent and bought groceries for the household. To his relief: "Then I heard of the Department of Social Development announcing on radio that homeless people in Gauteng will be offered shelters during the lockdown period and buses were available to transport them to shelters. I was accommodated at DSD shelter in Bezuidenhout Valley and mid-September moved to Kotze in Hillbrow".

As part of an exit plan for those who were at the shelters, Juwele was enrolled at a five-day- entrepreneurship training. The course is offered by the Gauteng Department of Social Development, directorate of Sustainable Livelihoods in partnership with Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA).

He cited, business planning, good public relations and customer care as learning modules that stood out for him. Hoping what he learned will add value to his future business in upholstery. "I wish training was running for three weeks because it takes others longer to grasp lots of information in a short period" he said, compassionately.

He noted that start-up entrepreneurs can undeniably benefit from the training and learn that when someone sells the same product as you, they are not fighting you. It is fair competition and they should practise conflict resolution sills. Juwele sells sweets nearby the shelter.

This young man managed to finance his Psychology studies at UNISA through temporary turns in retail and hopes to qualify for a bursary to compete his last year.

He defined himself as a good listener and a problem-solver. "I want to be a Social Worker. I have witnessed how pro-active and directly involved they are with people at shelters" he said with admiration. He is thankful that the department kept to its word and offered shelter to the homeless.


Tags: homeless shelters homeless people entrepreneurship training


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