President Ramaphosa tests positive for COVID-19- 13 December 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/12/12 - 22:00

Lerato Mailoane

President Cyril Ramaphosa is receiving treatment for mild COVID-19 symptoms after testing positive for the viral infection, says the Presidency.

The President started feeling unwell after leaving the State Memorial Service in honour of former Deputy President FW de Klerk in Cape Town earlier on Sunday.

"The President is in good spirits and is being monitored by the South African Military Health Service of the South African National Defence Force," the Presidency said on Monday.

The President, who is fully vaccinated, is in self-isolation in Cape Town and has delegated all responsibilities to Deputy President David Mabuza.

On his recent visit to four West African states, President Ramaphosa and the South African delegation were tested for COVID-19 in all countries.

The President and the delegation returned to South Africa from Senegal on Wednesday, after obtaining negative test results. The President also tested negative on his return to Johannesburg on 8 December.

The Presidency said during the proceedings in Cape Town all health regulations pertaining to hand hygiene, the wearing of face masks and social distancing.

President Ramaphosa says his infection serves as a caution to all people in the country to be vaccinated and remain vigilant against exposure.

"Vaccination remains the best protection against severe illness and hospitalisation. People who have had contact with the President are advised to watch for symptoms or to have themselves tested."


Tags: President Cyril Ramaphosa Vaccination COVID - 19


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