Bakone continues to feed the multitudes

Department of Social Development 2021/11/28 - 22:00

​“I once sold my wedding ring to ensure that I get a certificate to operate an NPO”. Those were the words by Rose Motloba, the founder and manager of Bakone Community Home Based Centre in Kagiso Extension 14, West Rand.

The organization was established 14 years ago, when the founder saw a need to feed the less fortunate community members in the area.

During an interview with the Weekly Bulletin, Motloba described the organization’s journey. “One day I was at the local supermarket here in Kagiso when I heard people screaming that there are two children who stole a pack of biscuits valued at ninety cents by then. I became curious and I approached the scene. On my arrival I found two children apprehended by the security personnel. I paid for the children and asked the security to set them free. I took the children to their homes and I was touched to find that they had nothing to eat, only found a liter of paraffin”, explain Motloba.

Subsequently she started preparing meals for eight vulnerable children as she saw a need. The number grew and Motloba realized that the area needs an NPO to offer home based care services.

“I started with the application process to register the organization, but it was rejected as I did not know the objectives and it was handwritten. I then sold my wedding ring to enable me to be assisted at the internet café to type the application for the love of my community.

I then got an NPO certificate from Department of Social Development. We subsequently applied for funding from the Gauteng Department of Social Development and our application was approved the following year.

Before that I funded the organisation out of my own pocket. I skipped my furniture instalments in order to buy food and as a are result my furniture was repossessed. It affected my family badly, but I have no regrets as this was for a good cause. It was not easy, but ever since we got funding from the department, this centre is doing well”, said Motloba.

More than 480 beneficiaries are assisted with psycho-social support, drop-in centre, nutritional programs, skills development, care givers, auxiliary workers, and gardening services currently.

“We are grateful to the Gauteng Department of Social Development for assistance extended to the centre. We are still going strong because of them”, she concluded.

Should anyone further engage with to the organization, contact the manager, Rose Motloba on 084 231 2494.


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