Gauteng Health commits to filling vacant hospital positions- 26 August 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/08/25 - 22:00

Rofhiwa Marubini

The Gauteng Department of Health is working hard to fill senior management positions at all provincial hospitals.

This it hopes will strengthen management and accountability. 

Out of over 30 hospitals in the province, only eight facilities have Chief Executive Officers (CEO's) who are in acting capacity. 

The department said those CEOs' are working under necessary delegation and authority. 

"It is important to stress, however, that acting CEOs and hospital management teams work with the necessary delegation and authority to discharge their duties," statement by the department 

 The department is in a process of filling the vacant positions and the status of the eight hospitals that have acting CEOs' are as follow: 

  • At Dr George Mukhari Academic and Jubilee Hospital: the recruitment and selection process is underway
  • Pretoria West Hospital: The post is not vacant the incumbent was transferred to Jubilee, which operated as a key Covid-19 response facility.  
  • Far East Rand Hospital: the position was advertised. The recruitment and selection process is underway. ​
  • Bertha Gxowa Hospital: the post will be re-advertised before the end of August. The previous candidate declined the offer. 
  • Phosolong the post is earmarked to advertise before the end of August. Appointment to envisaged before the end of December, the incumbent was seconded to Tembisa Hospital.
  • Bheki Mlangeni Hospital: the post is not vacant. The incumbent was precautionarily transferred, pending a conclusion of an investigation. 
  • Sebokeng hospitals, the posts were not vacant as the chief executives had been moved to other hospitals for various reasons.

 The department said having acting CEO in the hospitals does not adversely affect service delivery one way or the other. ​


Tags: Departmant of Health provincial hospitals COVID - 19


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