Community Development Dialogue Hits Ratanda

Department of Social Development 2022/03/05 - 22:00

​Last week Thursday, the department held a community dialogue at the Ratanda community hall. This was one of many facilitated by the Gauteng Department of Social Development, Sedibeng Regional office. 

Speaking during the gathering, department’s Community Development Worker, Doctor Nkuna, said these dialogues are for community members to raise challenges in their wards and to come up with solutions together with government. 

These sessions also provide a chance for communities to gain relevant information on the department’s programmes and help connect community members with the relevant stakeholders. 

Much like the dialogues held previously in other communities, the main issues identified by the community were limited skills development programmes and centres for the youth, high unemployment, food insecurity, lack of funding for businesses and community projects, and a lack of access to relevant information on how government and its stakeholders can help the community.

Community members spoke on the decreasing number of employment opportunities for people who are 35 years and older. 

On another matter a solution was proposed that food gardens should be started by the community. To make this possible the people asked the department for sponsors who would fund their projects by providing seeds, land, gardening tools and education on how to take care of the gardens. 

“This will help us feed our families and help us to stop relying on food parcels, this would also help alleviate the poverty by providing an income for the community members”, said Ouma, a local resident. 

Another issue raised was the lack of skills development centres for young people, especially for people with disabilities. Persons with disabilities in Ratanda said that they would like to gain skills such as knitting and sewing so that they can earn an income for themselves. 

“We would also like to go around the community to mentor young people and educate people about disabilities”, said Bonakele Maluleka. 

Disabled persons also asked for better wheelchairs and for government centres to cater for them in their facilities. 

Departmental official, Gavaza Nwandzule, told the community about food relief programmes made available by the department and encouraged them to start their own projects. 

Nwandzule added that they must continue to engage the department on funding and support so that they could eventually reduce their reliance on government.


Tags: community dialogue


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