Government out to Listen what people of Rustervaal really want

Department of Social Development 2019/11/27 - 22:00

Rustervaal residents in Sedibeng appreciate the opportunity to contribute towards grinding solutions that will be used to tackle social challenges they encounter daily in their area.

During the community dialogue held at AFM Church in Rustervaal on Friday, the community members expressed their concern on the slow pace at which government provide service to the people. They say the major issues of concern include lack of access to information and high rate of youth unemployment. Some they said the government criteria of age restriction between 18 and 35 years also contribute to the problems.

Amongst the participants in the dialogue was a 45-year-old Elizabeth Van Rooyen who highlighted that many people on the ground do not have adequate knowledge on how government procedures works.

"We have problem of skills development here in Rustervaal, job opportunities are also a challenge and abuse of substances. We want government to help us with centre of excellence where our children can access information, where they can be assisted with skills development", said Van Rooyen.

According to the Community Development Manager Wandile Sibi dialogues are key because they emphasize listening in order to deepen understanding. They also develop common perspectives and goals and allow participants to express their own views and interests without any hindrances.

"We here to listen to your challenges and where possible engage with you on how we can better our services as government to this community. We want to work together with you with the aim of striving to tackle challenges of this area" Sibi said

He urged community members to play a role in active citizenry and those who have knowledge and access to help other fellow community members.

"You must help each other, try to work together, form cooperatives and government will try to assist you if you work together", he added.

The community also pleaded with government to reach out to more people on the ground on a regular basis.


Tags: Service Delivery


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