Gauteng concerned with recent increase in new COVID-19 infections- 11 December 2020

Office of the Premier 2020/12/10 - 22:00

Lerato Mailoane

Gauteng government has called on residents to be more cautious as the province experience the rising new COVID-19 positive cases.

In a statement following the weekly Provincial Command Council meeting, Gauteng Premier, David Makhura expressed concern as the past week has seen a sharp increase in the number of new COVID-19 positive cases, with young people aged 11-20 constituting a large percentage of the new cases.

"Tests conducted  on 6 - 7 December 2020 showed that 581 young people aged 11-20 tested positive for COVID-19.

"In the past week (4-10 December 2020) there were 5 409 new COVID-19 positive cases in Gauteng, a steep increase from the previous week (27 November – 3 December 2020) where there were 1 781 cases," said Makhura.

 Makhura said the  increase in the number of new cases in Gauteng was exponential, which means, the province should expect faster running numbers with a higher peak than in the first wave.
This, he said has is due to large number of gatherings of many people, particularly young people, with no adherence to non-pharmaceutical measures such as wearing of masks, physical distancing and hand and surface sanitising.

"These gatherings are super spreader events which result in the virus spreading fast. They must be avoided at all costs. The virus remains vicious and is looking for opportunities to spread as more people," cautioned Makhura.

He urged the people of Gauteng to limit traveling and those who cannot avoid traveling to take extra measures to protect themselves and others.

The Provincial Command Council said law enforcement and health authorities will be conducting roadblocks, screening, and testing at various places throughout Gauteng during December and January. Joint operations for compliance enforcement will be conducted.

Along with social partners, government will continue with temporary and geographically targeted interventions through the Ward-Based Approach to minimise community transmission.

The provincial government has further encouraged the public to download the COVID-19 Alert SA App. The app can notify you if you have been exposed to the virus – whether it is in a taxi, a shopping mall or a social gathering – and it does so without sharing your location or any personal information.


Tags: Corona Virus road blocks Testing station testing and screening COVID - 19


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