Over 100 000 pensioners heed the call to register for COVID-19 vaccine - 20 April 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/04/19 - 22:00

Marubini Rofhiwa

Gauteng has to date registered 115 000 senior citizens  on the Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS) since it opened on Friday, 16 April 2021.

Premier David Makhura said for the second phase of the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out, the provincial government aims to register all the province's 1.3 million 60 years and older citizens. 

Makhura was speaking during a site visit at the Wits Reproductive Health Institute (WitsRHI), in Hillbrow Johannesburg on Tuesday where he was joined by Gauteng MEC for Health Dr. Nomathemba Mokgethi.

Premier Makhura said during the upcoming phase of the vaccination programme, the provincial government would work hand in hand with academic and research institutions, civil society groups and the non-governmental organizations (NGO) to ensure government reaches its target.

The Premier and his team went on a walkabout in Hillbrow where  several important heritage buildings were renewed as centres of medical excellence.

A partnership between the City of Johannesburg, the Gauteng Department of Health and the Wits RHI, resulted in the Hillbrow Health Precinct,  a  world-first health precinct addressing reproductive health, primary healthcare and cutting-edge research around issues of HIV/AIDS, poverty and  infectious diseases.

In addition, Premier Makhura said science was important in guiding the country's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  "South Africa on its own should be able to manufacture vaccines locally.  We cannot depend on We cannot depend entirely on the global north for manufacturing of vaccines," said Makhura. 

This year Wits Reproductive Health Institute celebrates 27 years of unparalleled track record of conducting world class research, implementing sustainable health programmes and contributing to health policy.

The Centre  also has the newly renovated eight-storey building  servicing Hillbrow community.

He  said the provincial government in partnership with Wits University  and other partners, want to work together in reopening the Hillbrow hospital.


Tags: Premier David Makhura Vaccination Hillbrow Health Precinct COVID - 19


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