Freshly baked bread to sustain life at Chris Hani Bara

Department of Health 2024/08/29 - 22:00

​It was Jonathan Swift, the writer, satirist, poet and cleric, who said "Bread is the staff of life." And in keeping with its vision of sustaining life, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (CHBAH) will soon have a fully operational bakery to meet the daily bread demands of the hospital. 

Currently, the CHBAH has a daily consumption of 500 loaves of bread which results in the hospital incurring significant costs in procuring this essential food item. However, the establishment of an in-house bakery will reduce expenditure and enhance operational efficiency. The bakery is expected to be operational by the next financial year.

Gauteng MEC for Health and Wellness, Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko gave an assurance that the establishment of an in-house bakery does not mean the end of the road of local cooperatives and SMMEs currently rendering the service to the hospital. 

"We will foster cooperative partnerships with local community bakeries or cooperatives to ensure a steady supply of quality ingredients. 

"This will also assist in tackling the unemployment problems we have in our townships, informal settlements and hotels (TISH) communities. We aim to create sufficient employment opportunities for communities in Soweto, particularly the youth and local bakers," said the MEC.

In addition, the MEC committed that several infrastructure refurbishment and construction projects will be completed and operational early on in the 7th Administration. 

This includes Helen Joseph Hospital nurses' accommodation, Johannesburg Forensic Pathology Service Lab, Randfontein Community Health Centre, Mandisa Shiceka Clinic, Boikhutsong Clinic, Mayibuye Clinic, Khutsong Clinic, Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital, as well as the CHBAH Neonatal Ward, nurses' accommodation and the Burns Unit which is due for opening in the coming week. 

"These projects are strategically located in TISH areas to ensure equitable access to quality healthcare, reinforcing our commitment to leaving no one behind as we implement National Health Insurance," said MEC Nkomo-Ralehoko.


Tags: ChrisHaniBaragwanathAcademicHospital


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