MEC Lesufi vows to act on damning findings against Laerskool Theresapark- 25 August 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/08/24 - 22:00

Thembisa Sologu

MEC for Education, Panyaza Lesufi has vowed to act on the findings relating to issues of racial discrimination, inadequate governance and leadership at Laerskool Theresapark.

On Wednesday, MEC Lesufi presented the report which confirmed parents' allegations of racism, maladministration and financial mismanagement against staff members and some members of the previous and current School Governing Body (SGB). 

The report comes after the department instituted a probe following a video that went viral in May, showing the parents the school angrily throwing the school principal off her chair and injuring her.

"There's an understanding that there were a lot of wrong things that were happening at the school. First is the issue of governance, which signifies serious limitations and gaps. Second is the issue of management through the SMT, there are things that are completely unacceptable. 

"Third is the leadership of the school through the principal, there are matters that needs our immediate attention. Lastly, which is something that I don't take kindly to, is matters of racism and discrimination against learners. Those are four things that we need to respond to and we will attend to them," said MEC Lesufi. 

Lesufi assured parents that people who were implicated were given an opportunity to respond to these findings and the department would act and update everyone, accordingly.

Acting Chief Director for Risk and Compliance, William Makgabo said the report revealed that the school allegedly had two bank accounts and procurement deals were closely linked to certain staff. 

"In addition, some School Governing Body members were found to be in conflict of interest by procuring from service providers who were linked to either themselves or their family members."

More so, the report revealed that white educators were racist against black children and refused to teach them. 

"With issues pertaining to racism, the report clearly indicated that the Principal allegedly discriminated against black teachers and viewed them as less educated than their white colleagues, and that she essentially lacked adequate management skills to lead ethically," said Makgabo. ​


Tags: Education MEC Lesufi Discrimination SGB


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