Gauteng hands over rehabilitated major arterial road in Tshwane

Department of Roads and Transport 2024/03/18 - 23:00

By Ntswaki Raseasala

Gauteng MEC for Transport and Logistics, Kedibone Diale-Tlabela, officially handed the rehabilitated Road D483 (R515) in Cullinan, east of Tshwane on Thursday, 14 March 2024. 

A major connector road in the area, the R515 underwent rehabilitation work that included milling and replacing failed surfacing areas, upgrading of gravel shoulders, repairs to edge break and drainage systems as well as upgrading various intersections along the route. This also included installation of new signboards. 

Rehabilitation works covered almost thirty kilometres of the road. R515, a Class 2 road, is mostly used by light motor vehicles and medium sized trucks transporting cargo between the towns. Making her remarks, the MEC indicated the Department is officially handing over the rehabilitated road to the community. She added that finishing all incomplete road projects by the Department forms part of her deployment. 

The MEC also raised her concerns about unscrupulous contractors and sub-contractors who leave projects incomplete having shared the allocated funds. She suggested local councillors need to develop databases of reliable subcontractors to assist in tackling dishonesty, avoid corruption whilst protecting sub-contractors and labourers. She added that undertaking social facilitation is critical as it enables the Department to obtain information on the availability of sub-contractors, their specialty and experience. 

The MEC further thanked the efforts of and assistance by the taxi industry and promised to return to contribute to development of the community in other areas. In his address, Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Roads and Transport, MPL Gregory Schneemann shared the committee’s excitement in seeing the Department’s critical road projects being completed across the province. He added that when such projects are undertaken and completed, that boosts the economy as individuals are able to get to work faster. Mr Schneemann further acknowledged the efforts by the MEC and the Department in working to complete a number of road projects in a short space of time. 

Representing the Traditional House, Mr M.J Mtsweni, expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Department for the completed road despite challenges and delays. “The road is very important as it links Johannesburg to KwaMhlanga” he said. Mr Mtsweni also pleaded with the MEC to upgrade a gravel road along the R515 to assist with reducing congestion and accidents along the R25. 

Mr Stemmer Monageng, GNTA (Tshwane) chair, further encouraged local leaders and councillors to consult them for assistance when faced with challenges to carry out projects. He also mentioned a similar joint venture programme in Mamelodi which focuses on fixing roads. He indicated the transport sector has completed local roads and require the Department’s consent and partnership to attend to provincial roads as well. 

The rehabilitation project had encountered several challenges leading to delays. These included the main contractor, Kuis Civils, not being able to complete the project. This resulted in the Department awarding the project to ActoPhambili Roads, which went on to complete the road.


Tags: Rehabilitation Cullinan Road MEC Diale Tlabela d483 r515


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