Social Department assist to alleviate poverty in Kliptown

Department of Social Development 2019/10/23 - 22:00

Despite being graduates, youth from informal settlement accept everything offered to them due to poverty and lack of employment.

Eighty percent of youth in Kliptown informal settlement in Soweto have completed their matric however they struggle to further their studies.

This is according to a 36-year-old George Mohlala, Chairperson of Greater Kliptown Leadership Forum.

Mohlala says their organization is sitting with hundreds of CVs since they are also assisting with job opportunities for unemployed youth and graduates.

"It hurts to see youth who have completed their studies resorting to drugs and unplanned pregnancy due to their family backgrounds," says Mohlala.

"However, with the help of government programs, particularly Social Development, we can place them in various programs, which is better than staying home and do nothing."

Currently there are fifty youth who have been placed in government departments including who are monitoring the dumping sites around Kliptown.

Mohlala says at least they are getting work experience and some organizations are able employ them at the end of the day, the department also assist when there are disasters.

One of the beneficiaries Kenny Moabelo who completed his matric three years ago, said with government programs, life becomes easy.


Tags: Poverty


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