Gauteng intensifies vaccination drive- 17 August 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/08/16 - 22:00

Thembisa Shologu

To ramp-up the COVID-19 vaccination programme, Gauteng is reaching out to communities to encourage them to take the jab.

The province has started reaching out to hard to reach farming communities.

A collaboration between taxi associations and government to get taxi drivers and commuters vaccinated was launched at a pop-up site at Esangweni Taxi Rank in Tembisa, Ekurhuleni. This will be rolled out in other taxi ranks across the province.

"Government is on a drive to expand the vaccination drive across the province to ensure that no eligible persons are left out, and encourage those who have not yet presented themselves for vaccination to go out in their numbers," said Premier David Makhura said. 

The province is also engaging with various economic sectors to set up vaccination sites in their workplaces and communities where they operate.

"Government and civil society partners continue to implement innovative solutions such as the drive-through and mobile (pop-up) vaccination sites to ramp-up the vaccination programme in the province," the premier said.

Additional vaccination sites are being opened and more sites operate during weekends for the convenience of those who are at work during weekdays. 

At least 2 337 442 vaccines have so far been administered in Gauteng as at 15 August. 

The Health Ministry recently announced a decline in the vaccine demand in the 35-49 age group which started very well in July. 

"We are disappointed that COVID-19 vaccination registrations are decreasing. We have lost impetus in the programme, every province has lost momentum. 

"This slowing down and decline of vaccinations on a daily basis is something that we really need to pick up if we are to protect ourselves and keep people out of the hospital," said Deputy Director-General, Nicholas Crisp.

All eligible persons are encouraged to visit their nearest vaccination sites and get vaccinated.

Vaccines reduce people's chances of getting severe illness and hospitalisation in the event they contract the coronavirus. -END ​​​


Tags: vaccination programme Premier David Makhura vaccination sites COVID - 19


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