A clean-up operation on the cards for Olievenhoutbosch policing precinct

Department of Community Safety 2019/06/03 - 22:00

The Minister of Police, General Bheki Cele promised a clean-up operation in Olievenhoutbosch. This follows a stakeholders meeting held in the area on the 04 of June 2021. The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister of Police Cassel Mathale, MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko and National Commissioner of Police, General Khehla Sitole to address policing concerns in Olievenhoutbosch ranging from lack of service delivery, fraud and corruption amongst others.

The Minister promised the local community a plan that will deal with the challenges faced by the local police stations. Amongst some of the plans to be rolled out is the overhauling of the management of the police station, a new station commander to be deployed to the area by July 2021.  The police management also made an undertaking to extend the building of the police station to accommodate more officers to serve the growing population in Olievenhoutbosch. Meanwhile, the stations resourcing shortcomings will be addressed over the coming weeks, with the injection of new patrol vehicles to complement the existing fleet.

A Detectives team has been assembled to investigate many cases that have not been finalized. The team is expected to track and trace suspects, wanted for various crimes including murder, rape and robbery.

Mr. Obed Mahlaku, a resident in the area described the police station as a cop shop due to police officers ‘s involvement in corrupt activities. He suggested that the police station is as good as closed. 

Dikeledi Ntlatseng from IPID urged the members of the community continue reporting corrupt police officers in an effort to have a fully functional police station that serves the interest of the local community.


MEC Faith Mazibuko committed that Gauteng Community Safety will revive the local Community Police Forum (CPF) to facilitate community-police relations in Olievenhoutbosch area as well as build street committees that are fully functional and operational.

Minister Cele promised the community that the station will be monitored very closely by the police ministry. “The stations performance will be monitored at national level through the inspectorate and regular reports will be issued to the police management to monitor its progress,” said Minister Bheki Cele.


Tags: Mandela Day 2019


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