Gauteng government cracks down on corruption - 02 June 2022

Office of the Premier 2022/06/01 - 22:00

​Lerato Mailoane

Gauteng Premier David Makhura released the State of Ethics, Integrity Management and Anti-Corruption report saying wrongdoers need to be called to account.

Among others, the report reveals that Gauteng's overall financial disclosure rate is at 98%. About 517 disciplinary processes against officials- related to allegations of corruption- has been completed and among them, 147 criminal cases has been opened.

There are 102 allegations investigated by the Public Service Commission (PSC). and 65 have been resolved while 37 are still ongoing.
A total of 1199 recommendations were made from various investigation reports issued since 2017.
Of these, 1126 (94%) recommendations have received the attention of the relevant government departments and agencies, 744 have been implemented fully and 382 are in the process of implementation. Only 6% (73) are not yet implemented.
The report received a stamp of approval from the Auditor General, Public Service Commission (PSC), Special Investigative Unit (SIU), Public Protector, and various civil society organisations.
Holding a copy of Michela Wrong's, It's Our Turn to Eat book on corruption in Kenya, Makhura said maladministration shifts public resources away from the advancement of society to enrich a few individuals.

While acknowledging that hard-line action needs to be taken against wrongdoers, Makhura said the report shows investments that the province is making in changing the system and culture so that integrity and ethical leadership are rewarded while corruption and malfeasance are prevented, detected, investigated, and punished.

"We know that citizens want to see concrete results that will bring about an end to corruption now. We know that we still have a long way to go to ensure that monies are recovered and those implicated are brought to book."

Makhura noted that the COVID-related corruption incidents and the findings of the Commission on State Capture tell the truth that the state and society need a nationwide, well-coordinated, resourced, multi-stakeholder agency to crackdown on corruption and protect whistleblowers.

This view was shared by the Gauteng Ethics Advisory Council (GEAC) Chair Terence Nombembe.

GEAC, which is a civil society body appointed by the Makhura in 2017 released a parallel biennial report on its activities and assessment of progress in the Gauteng City Region.

Nombembe said the process of safely managing the information that comes from whistle-blowers, is vital and they should be protected at all costs for the public to have confidence in the process.

Looking ahead, Makhura said systemic reforms aimed at institutionalising integrity and creating a new ethical culture that promotes good governance, ethical leadership, transparency, and accountability must be introduced.

A War Room has been established in the Office of the Premier, to oversee all matters of sound financial management, clean audits, and payment of service providers within 30 days.

As part of improving reporting mechanisms, the Provincial Forensic Audit Unit has been relocated to the Office of the Premier to give it greater authority and to ensure that allegations of fraud and corruption are investigated, and that appropriate action is taken.

Read the full State of Ethics, Integrity Management and Anti-Corruption report here:


Tags: Premier Makhura anti corruption Premier David Makhura Anti-Corruption Programme


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