Service delivery brings relief to the community

Department of Social Development 2021/04/18 - 22:00

Young people battling with drug abuse at the Jabulane Hostel in Soweto used a service delivery blitz organised by the Gauteng Department of Social Development to get help.

On Wednesday, the Gauteng Department of Social Development and its stakeholders conducted a service delivery blitz aimed at information sharing on services offered by state departments and agencies for the community at the Jabulani hostel.

During the blitz, 30-year-old Fanyani Gumede, a substance user residing at the hostel, approached the departmental exhibition stall and requested assistance, because he wants to stop using drugs.

Gumede says "I started experimenting with dagga when I was in Grade 8. I later dropped out of school in 2008. After dropping out of school I was introduced to serious drugs such as nyaope, crystal, cocaine and mandrax. To feed on my cravings I stole money and valuables first from my mother and later members of the community".

Tired of this life of being drug addict, Gumede came forward and requested to be booked at a departmental rehabilitation centre so that he can quit drugs. He said that together with his friends they have built a smoking shack and will only visit home when he needed to take a bath and clean clothing.

"Through my shenanigans I was twice arrested by the police in 2013 and 2015, I was released last year, I have learnt my lesson I want to change my life for the better. I need professional help so that I don't have to go back to my old ways", added Gumede.

He promised that, "Once I have finished my rehabilitation, I hope to spread the good gospel to local schools to warn learners about the danger of substance abuse".

Gumede will be booked into a rehabilitation centre after undergoing an assessment by Social Workers before being sent for a six-weeks detox program and there after he will be placed at an after-care program where he will be trained in either welding, plumbing etc.

Departmental Stakeholder Relations Deputy Director Khosi Radebe announced that the blitz will also be extended to other hostels in various townships.


Tags: Service delivery Blitz


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