Department hands over 12 new cars to curb gender-based violence

Department of Social Development 2019/04/29 - 22:00

The Gauteng Department of Social Development handed over 12 new vehicles to Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) that render victim empowerment services in the province.

The handover was part of the United Nations ‘Orange Day UNiTE Campaign' commemorated globally on the 25th of every month to raise awareness towards ending violence against women and girls.

Speaking at the handover ceremony at Igugulethu Child and Youth Care Centre in Boksburg, Social Development MEC Nandi Mayathula-Khoza said these cars will provide an instant 24-hour support to communities to make sure that critical interventions are not missed.

“As we hand over these vehicles to act towards ending domestic violence, we continue to raise awareness and call upon civil society to assist government in highlighting issues relevant to preventing and ending violence against women and girls,” said Mayathula-Khoza. We have 65 organisations that are funded to deliver victim empowerment services, 11 349 victims have accessed these shelters”.

The programme of no violence against women and children including 16 days of activism campaign reached 79 564 beneficiaries,” she added.

The MEC also highlighted that she is pleased that the partnership between Social Development, Community Safety and EDCON Group was progressing very well to provide dignity and livelihood to women in the shelters. We now have 44 women from five shelters with existing sewing groups in Gauteng. It for this reason that we launched the Adopt a centre for Abused Women and Children: From Victimhood to Survival” campaign.

This campaign guaranteed the rights of women and children, and prohibits all forms of discrimination by promoting the development and empowerment of women and children,” said Mayathula-Khoza.​


Tags: Violence Against women Victim empowerment


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