Deputy Minister Bogopane-Zulu concludes PPE Distribution for ECDs in Gauteng

Department of Social Development 2021/05/09 - 22:00

Last Friday, Deputy Minister of Social Development, Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu concluded her road show of handing over Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres at Ebenezer Child Development Centre in Braamfischerville, Soweto.

Bogopane-Zulu criss-crossed the nine provinces of the country, safeguarding 127 ECD centres built in partnership with the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) and ensuring they meet regulations passed by the Department of Social Development for the reopening of ECD centres under the Disaster Management Act.

DSD carried out the campaign in collaboration with NLC with the aim to assist ECDs in disadvantaged communities to comply with COVID-19 regulations. This initiative has benefitted 5000 children and 680 practitioners at ECDs countrywide.

Ebenezer was founded in 1998 and benefitted an NLC building structure and Montessori learning programme in 2011. Under the Vhangasali Programme, which verifies and assists registration of ECDs on various levels, Ebenezer qualified for partial registration. This centre was negatively affected by Covid-19 as some parents opted to not return children to school and the centre encountered administrative challenges. Presently, the centre accommodates 376 children yet only 92 are registered.

Bogopane-Zulu emphasised the importance of infrastructure, which it is intended for child development and must be continuously accessible and implemented. "Investing in ECDs is investing in children's future. Where the foundation is laid, values are taught so children might not in future contribute to social ills", she added.

Thintane Foundation is responsible for mentoring NPOs, it has invested in the future by donating R10 000 towards Ebenezer.

Four other ECDs within Braamfischerville also benefitted equally with Ebenezer in the distribution of PPE's. Each child received a blanket, odour-control mattress and masks; practitioners got: face shields, masks and disposable aprons. The centre received: infrared thermometers, fogging sprays, alcohol and non-alcohol-based sanitizers, toiletries and hygiene cleaning products.


Tags: PPE handing over Personal Protective Equipment COVID - 19


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