Gauteng residents urged to observe Africa Mask Week- 20 November 2020

Office of the Premier 2020/11/19 - 22:00

Lerato Mailoane

The Gauteng Provincial Command Council has called on Gauteng residents  to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by joining the rest of the country and the continent in observing Africa Mask Week.

The African Union declared 23 to 30 November 2020 as Africa Mask Week, to highlight the significance of wearing masks to help stop the spread of COVID-19 on the continent.

Until a vaccine has been developed for COVID-19, wearing a mask and adhering to other non-pharmaceutical interventions remain the most effective tool to keep the virus at bay.

"When we wear a mask, we are not only protecting ourselves, but our friends, families and communities said Gauteng Premier David Makhura

He further urged the public to join the Africa Mask Week movement and post a picture or video on digital media platforms wearing a mask and challenge family and friends to do the same.

"Our actions will ensure that we minimise the rate of infections whilst we continue to rebuild the economy.For as long as we observe all the necessary health protocols and remaining restrictions, we will minimise the impact of the resurgence," he added.

The report also highlighted education progress and challenges the province has  experienced in the past week.

Since the commencement of the National Senior Certificate examinations, 239 347 candidates have written 117 papers at 1 800 different centres.

Four (4) candidates who tested positive for COVID-19  were admitted and allowed to write their examination under controlled conditions, at the Nasrec Field Hospital managed by the Departments of Health and Education officials.

Twenty-seven (27) candidates were affected by the taxi strike on Wednesday, 18 November 2020 and were all able to write the Business Studies paper. Some arrived late and could continue whilst others wrote their paper at alternative centres.​​


Tags: Corona Virus Mask COVID - 19


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