Male survivor's conference puts GBV in the spotlight- 22 November 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/11/21 - 22:00

Qaqambile Mdledle

As part of efforts to combat the scourge of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Gauteng, the Department of Community Safety held a Male Survivor's Conference and retreat session.

The session which was led by the Department of Community Safety Head of Department, Nontsikelelo Sisulu was held at the Venue Hotel and Conference Centre in Broederstroom. 

The conference was aimed at encouraging males to open criminal cases if they are victims of GBV and refrain from taking the law into their own hands.

Sisulu said most cases of domestic violence are reported by women. That does not mean that men are not victims of GBV, she said.

"Male victims often find themselves in difficult situations as they are expected by society to be strong and to be able to survive victimization by female perpetrators."

Studies have shown that men are less likely to report abuse because the stigma attached prevents them from speaking out. 

Men who may report their experiences of domestic violence to the officials are also at a greater risk of experiencing secondary victimisation by being denied assistance. 

This is due to the stigma attached to defending themselves against women.

Media personality, DJ Sbusiso Leope use the opportunity to address the role of a man.

"As men, we have to understand that the women in our lives whether it's our daughters, wives, spouses, or mothers have a voice and rights, which is something we must respect and move away from the mentality that a man word is 'final'. If we manage to do that, we will see a decrease in GBV cases," said Leope.

The conference also provided a platform, where men from all walks of life could build knowledge, expand their understanding, create collaborations to deal with GBV in communities. 

In conclusion, Sisulu stressed the importance of social norms that need to change to stop GBV.

"It is your time now to champion against gender-based violence," she said encouraging more men to come coming forward to seek help.


Tags: gender based violence CommunitySafety


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