A strong support system is key in beating COVID-19- 29 September 2020

Office of the Premier 2020/09/28 - 22:00

Qaqambile Mdledle

A 32-year old nurse, Sphumelele Ntshangase, says the support she received while recovering from COVID-19 made her feel strong enough to fight the virus

Ntshangase, works at The Village Bryanston, a retirement home for the elderly.  She tested positive for coronavirus in April.  Reminiscing about her journey to recovery, she says early on Wednesday,1 April 2020, she left work eager to spend time with her husband and five-month-old son at their newly-built house in Morningside.

On her way home, she says she felt exhausted and her throat was scratchy. She became paranoid that she might have contracted COVID-19 at her workplace.

"We were tested three times a week at work and following day I was expecting my results when I got the news that I was positive for coronavirus, I was shocked and a little disappointed. I contacted my line manager and told her the news," says Ntshangase.

She explains that the support she received encouraged her to fight and come back stronger with social workers checking her on a daily basis. The support she received made her feel strong enough to fight the virus, it helped her believe that she was going to survive.

"The lesson I learnt is that you can't keep this a secret. I know people think you can't tell anyone, but as soon as you get a positive result, you need to tell the people you have had contact with so that they can also get tested and get help," she adds.

Ntshangase and her family adhered to all the golden rules, she self-isolated and followed all the hygiene protocols that are necessary to prevent others from contracting the virus.

"Everyone around me knows that I was sick and that is how I got the help I needed. The support I received encouraged me to fight and come back stronger. When I came back to work, I kept talking to people about my experience and telling them my story," she says.

The number of messages she received was incredible and it was amazing for her to feel the support. However, she says that it can become overwhelming. 

"You need needs to protect their mental wellbeing. Recovering from this virus changed my thought process and my perspective on life. It has made me appreciate my family and the small things in life even more," she says.


Tags: recovery COVID - 19


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