MEC Mosupyoe hosts lunch with Centenarians in Sandton

Department of Social Development 2022/03/14 - 22:00

​Gauteng Department of Social Development MEC Morakane Mosupyoe hosted Centenarian Lunch at Capital Empire Hotel in Sandton, Johannesburg last Friday.

The lunch with centenarians was hosted to honour and acknowledge their contribution to the welfare of their families and to the development of the province. This was also used as a platform for older persons to raise issues with the department that affect them in their daily lives.

81 years old Gogo Connie Mhlongo commended the department and expressed her gratitude and honour to be in the presence of MEC and senior managers. Mhlongo further thanked the department with programmes, services and centres that ensure their well-being.

Kedi Mofube, Chairperson for JHB Older Persons Forums, said as senior citizens they remain grateful to the department as they recognize the continued support they receive from the officials. She further indicated that the passion they have ensures that their requests and plans are always implemented.

Addressing the centenarians, MEC Mosupyoe thanked the senior citizens for affording the department time to celebrate this special occasion. Mosupyoe said she was humbled to be around Granny Dorris Bennet and Mary Moloisi both 104 years old amongst others and described them as treasure.

MEC indicated that the Gauteng Provincial Government may not be a religious institution; however, this government upholds the values of a caring and compassionate society.

“The concept of a caring society is strengthened and deepened when we recognise our centenarians who paved the way for South Africa we have today and the responsibility of creating such a society is shared by everyone. Growing Gauteng Together Vision 2030 (GGT 2030) is about building a province in which all older persons, women, youth and persons with disabilities are empowered.”

The ageing population is rapidly increasing in South Africa with older persons experiencing more complex needs as they live longer. Gauteng continues to record the largest share of the population with approximately fifteen million eight hundred and ten thousand three hundred and eighty-eight (15,810 388) people living in this province, with a total of one million, four hundred thousand, six hundred and four (1 400 604) Older Persons residing in the province.

“As Gauteng Government we are committed to total support, upliftment and advancement of the rights of older persons. Besides other programmes provided by Government to older persons, the Premier deemed it fit to organize this Centenary Celebration event, in the main to appreciate and thank older persons for their selflessness and giving to families, significant others, and the community but also to celebrate your birthdays with your peers, some in their 90s, 80s and 70s.”

“We encourage people to take care of older persons and incorporate them and their interest in social or community activities as part of ensuring that they live healthy lives”, said Mosupyoe.


Tags: luncheon with centenarians Luncheon for Older People


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