A safe community starts with you- MEC Mazibuko- 16 February 2022

Office of the Premier 2022/02/15 - 22:00

Rofhiwa Marubini-Tshitahe 

Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko has called on the Brixton community to unite towards building a safer neighbourhood for women, children and the elderly.

"It is us who see those selling drugs on the streets, who tolerate the shebeens that remain open until the early hours of the morning, who tolerate bad behaviour from our children. What does that say about us as a community? We need to work together to build a conducive environment," said Mazibuko.

The MEC was speaking during her visit to the area, on Monday, ahead of the State of the Province Address. The visit forms also part of Safety Month, which puts a special focus on crime prevention.

Mazibuko was joined by MEC for Social Development, Morakane Mosupyoe.

The community of Brixton, just a few kilometres from the Johannesburg CBD, is plagued with high cases of drugs abuse, house robberies, assaults, and car hijackings.

Brixton Police Station Commander, Colonel Mkhacani Maluleke said abandoned buildings are the root causes of the high crime rates in the area.

"Criminals use these buildings to hide. However, with the help of the community, we have been able to contain some of the criminal activities in the area," added Maluleke.


Tags: Community Safety MECs safer neighbourhood Brixton


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