Department welcome youth on a learnership programme

Department of Social Development 2020/02/20 - 22:00

The Gauteng Department of Social Development has welcomed 106 youth on its yearly learnership programme. These young people will receive training on Early Childhood Development, Information Technology and Business Administration.


Speaking to the new recruits at the Gauteng Department of Economic Development in Johannesburg Central Business District on Friday, Human Resources, Director Honey Makgalemele said the youth must use this opportunity to learn as much as they can to prepare for their bright future. This chance comes once in a lifetime, grab it and enjoy your learning experience”. This twelve-months Learnership Programme will officially start next month.


The recruit’s learners were selected from child-headed households’ families, orphans, child support grant beneficiaries, military veterans’ offspring’s and foster care.


21-year-old, Gugulethu Mdluli said, “I’m ecstatic with the opportunity and hope to learn the new experiences as much as I can”.


Her views were supported by 31-year-old, Zandile Meyiwa “Being from my background, I’m happy because this will give me a first step towards realising my dream of owning a crèche in the future”.


Employee Health and Wellness Programme, Practitioner, Lood Hanekom encouraged learners to utilise the services of his unit. “Sometimes as people we don’t get to a stage where we admit that we require professional help, however as an employee one can consult our office to get help on emotional, physical and psychological aspect”. Hanekom said


The health and wellness toll free number is 0800 611 169 and their services are available 24/7.


Tags: Learnership Programme


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