George Mukhari Hospital dietitians educate patients on healthy lifestyle

Department of Health 2021/06/17 - 22:00

By Rudzani Matshili

To assist staff to maintain a h​ealthy lifestyle and to eat balanced diet, Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital's Human Nutrition Department celebrated Dietitians Week recently.

 Under the theme: "Celebrating the diversity of the dietetic profession", the week aimed at celebrating dietitians and reflect on their different backgrounds and experiences."

 Dieticians are responsible for the management of various diseases such as dysphagia, cancer, high cholesterol, eating disorders, enteral and parenteral nutrition therapy, cardiovascular diseases amongst  others.  

 Commenting on the activities of the week, Ane' Uys, the Dietitician at the hospital said: "We kick started the week by educating the staff and patients on the importance of healthy balanced diet and also handed out pamphlets to different clinics here in the hospital."

"Through the week, we continued with the awareness, educated patients on career opportunities in dietetics, gave out information on what dieticians do and when patients can be referred to us. We closed off the week by painting the paediatric wards to brighten the walls for kids who are hospitalised," said Uys


Tags: Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital healthy diet healthy lifestyles


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