Gauteng Education extends learner placement period- 01 December 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/11/30 - 22:00

Thembisa Shologu

The learner placement period for the 2022 Online Admission for Grades 1 and Grade 8 in Gauteng has been extended to 10 December 2021.

In a statement, the Department of Education said this was due to the massive delays in parents accepting offers. The initial the last day for placements was 30 November.

To date, 64 % of the 335 091 applications received have been placed. A total of 43654 applications in Grade 1 and 6 459 Grade 8 remain unplaced. 

"We profusely apologise to those parents who are still awaiting placement notices. This is mainly because most preferred schools are full and the department is trying hard to expand their capacities," said Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi.

Department officials are working around the clock to manage the demand and will ensure that learners have space in a school in Gauteng before 2022 begins.

Parents who have not yet received an offer must continue checking their application status and accept available offers of placement by logging into .

Offers that remain pending for more than seven days will be auto-accepted as placed to avoid further delays. 

"We also call upon those who received offers to either accept or decline the offer as some parents may accept your declined offer. This will assist us in accelerating placements. Your co-operation will be highly appreciated," said Lesufi.

Parents who do not prefer the offer of placement given can lodge an objection by declining the offer online, objection forms are available online.

Should a parent remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the objection, they may submit an appeal by declining the objection outcome online. 

Placement cannot be made without proof of residence, applicants who have not yet submitted their proof of residence will be afforded an opportunity to submit these in due course.

Applicants who have missed the deadline to apply to Grade 1 or Grade 8 for the 2022 academic year will be afforded an opportunity to apply during the late application period which will begin on 5 January 2022.


Tags: Grades 1 and Grade 8 Panyaza Lesufi 2022 Online Admission


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