Premier Makhura takes vaccination drive to Lenasia- 16 August 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/08/15 - 22:00

Staff Writer

Gauteng Premier David Makhura and his MECs will visit COVID-19 vaccination sites in the province to encourage eligible people to register and get their jabs.

The Premier will visit Lenasia South Hospital and the Lawley Fire Station -pop-up site. He will be accompanied by Health MEC Nomamthemba Mokgethi and newly elected Joburg Mayor, Jolidee Matongo

The visit comes as the province ramps up the vaccination drive. The province in partnership with civil society partners continues to implement innovative solutions such as the drive-through and mobile (pop-up) vaccination sites to ramp up the vaccination programme in the province.

Additional vaccination sites are being opened and more sites operate during weekends for the convenience of those who are at work during weekdays.

Gauteng vaccination sites accept walk-ins whether people are registered on the EVDS or not.

A total of 2 337 442 vaccines have been administered in the province as of 15 August 2021.

However, more than 40% of the 1,3 million persons over 60 are yet to be vaccinated in Gauteng. The provincial Health Department says this is the most vulnerable age group who can experience severe illness and hospitalisation should they be infected with COVID19. 

The other worrying group is those aged between 50 and 59 as their numbers stand slightly above 400 000.

A special plea is made to all persons who are 60 years and older who have not presented themselves for vaccination to do so urgently.

Meanwhile, the number of average daily COVID-19 cases continue to decrease in the province, however, the risk of infection remains high.

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Gauteng sits at 889 102 with 856 494 recoveries and 18 089 deaths. END


Tags: LenasiaSouth Hospital Vaccination Sites Visits COVID - 19 Premier David Makhura


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