Elections 2021- Make your voice heard and vote- 29 October 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/10/28 - 22:00

Fezani Khumalo

The 2021 Local Government Elections scheduled to take place on 1 November 2021 provides South Africans with an opportunity to exercise their constitutional right to elect their public representatives.

Local government elections are held every five years to elect municipal councils for the country's 257 municipalities. 

These elections are important in advancing our young democracy. 

They mark the 21st anniversary since the establishment of a democratic local government system in the country.

This sphere of government is the catalyst for the provision of a basket of essential services including bulk economic and social infrastructure, roads, water, sanitation, electricity, as well as other social amenities such as parks, churches and schools.

"Through the 2021 municipal elections, people can all have a say in the way in which their local area is governed. By voting we can ensure that local government delivers on its promises and is held to account," said Chief Electoral Officer, Sy Mamabolo.

Leila Patel and Yolanda Sadie, Professors at the University of Johannesburg state that research recommends voters make their choices based on rational considerations motivated by self-interest. 

It is that collective self-interest that can help communities improve service delivery through their vote and participation.

The Gauteng Provincial Government urges all residents who have registered to exercise their democratic and vote. The public is urged to exercise caution and observe COVID-19 protocols and regulations.


Tags: Local Government Elections Voting Elections Covid-19 regulation


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