Department strategizes methods on teenage pregnancy reduction in schools

Department of Social Development 2023/04/02 - 22:00

​Recently, the Gauteng Department Social Development hosted a two-day Teenage Pregnancy workshop aimed at mitigating the scourge of teenage pregnancy.

Outlining the purpose of the gathering, department Social Manager, Sandra Madela, said that the intention was to develop an integrated stakeholder plan of action to engage, share ideas and identify solution to reduce learner pregnancy in Gauteng schools.

Early and unintended pregnancy among learners in SA continue to undermine the effort of the Department of Basic Education to ensure all learners complete basic education.

According to Statistic South Africa (StatSa) General Household Survey about 82 000 learners fell pregnant in 2018. The number has been on the increase for instance between 2020-2021 plus minus 132 000 deliveries in health facilities were reported among adolescents aged 10-19 years.

Teddy Bear Foundation Director Shaheda Omar said that according to the Global Action Day Report February 2023 by the foundation, reality is that South Africa has increasing numbers of children giving birth to children due to among others deep-seated social injustice that may lead to teen moms been more likely to drop out of school.

Omar adds that the report further says that sexuality education be inclusive and extensive so that young people are provided with tools to make informed decisions about their sexuality and lifestyle.

Among the resolutions taken by the workshop is to increase awareness and education on an ongoing basis, strengthen the implementation of an Integrated School Health Programme, identify ways to ensure retention, and reduce discrimination and stigma against other learners.

Resolutions also include to improve collaboration and development of partnerships with all stakeholders to avoid fragmented implementation of programs and service duplication, promote health interests of learners and their unborn babies, and create an opportunity for parents and learners to dialogue, engage each other, and seek solutions together to reduce learner pregnancy.


Tags: Teenage Pregnancy workshop Teenage Pregnancy


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