Organ failure can happen to anyone, donate organs to save lives

Department of Health 2024/08/29 - 22:00

​Organ failure can happen to anyone, therefore it is important that the public register or consent to donate organs such as the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys amongst others to save lives of patients who are desperately in need of organ transplant. 

In South Africa, there are approximately 3 000 people in need of a kidney, 150 in need of a liver, 250 people are in need of a heart and 200 in need of lung transplant. These people include young children aged from 6 months for liver and 7 years for kidney transplant.  

The average waiting period for heart, lungs and liver transplant in the country is approximately 6 – 12 months while those in need of kidneys can wait between 5 – 10 years. Unfortunately, due to the dismal number of donors in the country, many people die waiting on the transplant waiting lists.  

While there are measures to prolong the lives of people on the waiting list of some organs such as the Left Ventricular Assistive Device for the heart which is only in the private sector and dialysis for the kidneys, there is, unfortunately, no alternative for lung and liver waiting transplant patients.  

People on the waiting lists are ready for a transplant that could save their life as soon as a matching organ becomes available. One person can save up to eight lives with a single organ donation, and up to 50 people can be saved with a tissue donation such as blood vessels, bone, cartilage, corneas, heart valves, skin and tendons amongst others. 

Organ donation does not only give the gift of life to the recipient of the organ or tissue, but to the entire family. Donors can save many people such as breadwinners and reduce single parent households. 

Those who wish to donate organs can register or share their last wishes with their direct family members as they need to give consent for organ donation at their time of death. They can also enquire at their nearest hospital or alternatively, register as a donor with Organ Donation Foundation:

Anja Meyer, Transplant Coordinator at the Gauteng Province Solid Organ Transplant Governance Programme said that South Africans should all stand united in saving those in desperate need of organ transplant. 

"We need to embrace organ donation as South Africans. Let us all learn about organ donation and make informed decisions about giving the gift of life," said Meyer, who is an avid advocate for people in need of organ donation and donors.


Tags: organ donation


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