Minister Zulu Joins Golden Oldies in Duck Walk

Department of Social Development 2022/12/12 - 22:00

​Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu showed her excitement at the Golden Games today by participating in a duck walk programme in a fun-filled occasion of older person’s games at Germiston Stadium, in Ekurhuleni.

The National Golden Games are a flagship programme of the Department of Social Development, hosted annually in partnership with the Department of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation and the South African Older Persons Forum to promote an active ageing, healthy lifestyle, and social integration amongst the elderly people.

In her keynote address to officially open the games, Minister Zulu greeted all provinces in attendance and stated that Monday’s programme was the epitome of success and represented older persons well in their active years of ageing.

“The most important message that I would like to send to everybody including the officials from all the provinces, is that we have the most important citizens of our country who came in one place to share ideas, and how they maintain a healthy lifestyle on a daily basis.”

“We are happy that social grants are making a good difference in the livelihoods of our senior citizens. They do not only support their grandchildren with that money, but it is evident, that they eat well and are also healthy,” said Zulu.

She added, “We wish to thank you all for taking care of your families, and we call on the Almighty for protection, especially at the time when we are going for Christmas festivities.”

Older persons, who are custodians of our history and culture joined together in song and dance and participate in sporting codes such as rugby ball throw, pass and kick the ball, duck walk, athletics, and soccer for both men and women.


Tags: healthy lifestyles National Golden Games social integration Active Ageing Programme


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