Book review on “From Surviving to Thriving”

Department of Social Development 2022/02/14 - 22:00

​In a colourful magazine called “From Surviving to Thriving”, nine women who survived different types of abuse were profiled by the Gauteng Provincial Government with the aim of raising awareness on the scourge of gender-based violence in society. The cover of the magazine contains their pictures. 

The book was launched two years ago at the Constitutional Hill in Braamfontein, Johannesburg by Community Safety MEC Faith Mazibuko. 

The women survivors are now successful businesswomen and are proud to share their stories with the nation. The heart-breaking stories published in the magazine are meant to empower, educate, and inform the society especially women and children who were victims of gender-based violence. 

All the articles in which they gave consent to government to publish are all heart-breaking but end as success stories. 

These women were abused physically, verbally, mental, financially by their husbands, partners, and close family members. Despite all the challenges they came across they were able to stand up, dust themselves off and start afresh after they received counselling from Ikhaya Lethemba, a shelter for abused women. 

Some of these women came with their children and they were taken care of by the shelter until they were emotionally and mentally healed. They were then reunited with their loved ones. 

Like Belinda Ralityana, a 42-year-old mother of five, came to the shelter with all her children and she was never turned away. Today Belinda is a proud owner of three and half hectares of a farm. She is one of the businesswomen who acquired skills from Ikhaya Lethemba and later changed their lives by being financially independent. The magazine also included previous female MECs like Nomvula Mokonyane, Sizakele Nkosi-Malobane and other senior officials who also shared their input in support of these women.


Tags: Shelters for abused women Gender-Based Violence Magazine


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