Public urged to continue with NPI’s post vaccinations- 01 July 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/06/30 - 22:00

​Qaqambile Mdledle

Gauteng Government has urged vaccinated people to continue to wear masks, maintain physical distancing and practice other COVID-19 health protocols as the highly contagious delta variant spreads rapidly across the province.

The province is currently under the immense pressure as it accounts for more than 60 per cent of the new cases in the country.

The provincial government is appealing to residents    to continue adhering to non-pharmaceutical interventions    as a large portion of the province remains unvaccinated and the highly contagious delta variant, is spreading fast in all parts of the province.

Scientists say this new delta variant is more infectious than the previous variants.

"Vaccination alone won't stop community transmission. People need to continue to use masks consistently, be in ventilated spaces, practice good hand hygiene, maintain physical distance, and avoid crowds. This still continues to be extremely important, even if you're vaccinated when you have ongoing community transmission," said department spokesperson, Kwara Kekana.

Government further stressed that if you are sick or have mild symptoms, you need to isolate, and if you were exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 you must quarantine for a period of ten days.

Gauteng residents are encouraged to make a difference and minimize the spread of COVID-19 in their respective communities.


Tags: covid-19 vaccination non-pharmacetical interventicons COVID - 19


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